Copyright © 2013 Environmental Lighting Australia Pty Ltd

Environmental Lighting Australia Pty Ltd

Environmental Lighting Australia Pty Ltd

P: 03 5952 5587


Lighting performance is an obvious reason to upgrade a lighting system, but a lot of clubs and court owners overlook the issue of maintenance.  An older lighting system could be costing thousands in ongoing maintenance and repairs.  Short lamp life, component failures and poor quality light fittings can be some of the maintenance issues involved, and are quite often not considered when a lighting system is purchased.

We can offer various types of lighting upgrades and replacements to reduce your ongoing maintenance costs, saving you money.  These can be done gradually as existing lights fail, or all at once.  By upgrading to an ELA lighting system, you can greatly reduce your ongoing maintenance costs.  Our high quality products are backed by our extensive warranties, giving you piece of mind.  Please see view our products pages to view our warranties.

Reduce maintenance costs
Reduce energy costs

With new lamp technologies, lighting performance does not need to be compromised for energy efficiency.  At ELA we have spent years developing the performance of our optical systems to achieve better efficiency.  With better efficiency (more light output) we can reduce the lamp wattages required to achieve the same lighting performance.  If you would like more information on this please contact us.  We can provide comparisons between different lamps and lighting systems to see how you can benefit from an ELA lighting upgrade.

At ELA we are constantly developing our lighting products to provide the highest quality and performance available.  The key development focuses:

Get the latest technology

We have a range of options when it comes to upgrading your existing lighting system, accommodating for the various types of existing lighting systems and budgets.  The advantages of our upgrades are:

Range of options to
                     suit all budgets

Our product quality is backed by our extensive warranties.  Companies can make claims about their product quality, but unless these are backed by warranties, how can you be sure?  Our warranties show we are confident our products are of the highest quality.  Our unique product designs and manufacturing processes, combined with high quality components, materials and strict quality control, allows us to provide leading warranties.

Warranty Increase performance

Lighting technology has advanced dramatically over the years.  The age, type and brand of lighting system you have will determine how much performance gain you can achieve.  At ELA we strive on providing the highest performance tennis lighting systems available.  We use the latest technology lamps, materials and components, combined with our highly refined optical systems to achieve the best possible performance.  Please contact us to see how an ELA lighting system can improve the light levels on your court.

Advantages of upgrading to an ELA Lighting System